The Day we met a DESTROYER
Well we came to the fishing port of Fremantle to see an American Icon CARL VINSON, but unfortunally it was parked out at Gage Roads just of Fremantle so instead we got to see two of America's finest Destroyers. The Missile cruiser USS BUNKER HILL (CG-52) and the Guided Missile Destroyer USS GRIDLEY (DDG-101).
USS GRIDLEY's bridge and huge amount of radar systems.
USS GRIDLEY's MK 45 - 5 inch 54/62 caliber gun can fire 70 pound rounds up to 13 nautical miles and works with the ships combat systems.... cool.
The bridge.
The kids loved it.
Photo from Fleet Street on South Mole looking back at the two American Destroyers.
Close up of the two Destroyers USS GRIDLEY being the first one, the kids loved having a gander but it's just a pity we couldn't see the big fella SUPERCARRIER CARL VINSON.
Well as you can see we did actually get to see the big fella but only from a distance, maybe next time.