Well it was that time of year again when I wake up a few sleepy little nevilles and drive into Kings Park for the Anzac Dawn service, so after a quick weet-bix brekkie we were in the cattle truck at 3.30 for our little drive to Perth.

It's good to get there nice and early so you can get a reasonable place to lay out the blanket, and seeing they have big screens all around the Park you can get a good gander at what's going on down there. This year instead of showing old War footage, they showed the names of WA soldiers that lost there lives during the War years, with there names and age read by young children.

Here's Oscar having a selfie with the War Memorial Cenotaph!
And as usual after the service we stayed back and had our traditional Champagne breakfast, which consists of a few packets of chips, a few Anzac biscuits and all washed down with non-alcoholic champagne (Bugger), but in a few more years when the oldest gets to the right age we might be able to slip in the real stuff!
This fella sang four songs at the end of the service and he was bloody awesome singing some good old aussie songs.
As you know each year we pick a soldier each year to find out something about them, this year we said G'day to Private Stanley Herbert Smith 4223 who was raised in East Perth and then trained at Blackboy hill just out of Midland. He was 24 during the First World War when he was sitting around at the German front line at Flers France with five others when a shell fell killing two and wounding Private Smith, the Germans counter- attacked and a few hours later took over the trench but nothing else was heard of the soldier some believe he became a POW but no records have been reported.
Afterwards we walked down to the Western Power Parkground and the kiddies had a good run around, and as you can see Sarah took over the camera and took a selfie of herself and the Memorial for the Vietnam Vets.... God love her.

And she took a photo of a bunch of young soldiers there's no stopping her.