Monday, December 21, 2015
Goodbye Middle swan
After ten years at old number 25 we said goodbye to an old friend, three of the kiddies were brought into the world while we were living in this beaut home. But the time had come to say bye and after paying two mortgages while waiting to sell this place, I'll tell you i'm very happy to say bye!
Here's Harrison and Oscar saying goodbye to our old family home, and as sad as the day was I was able to wipe the sad face look on there faces once they had a dip in the pool.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Chase and his broken arm.

Well the young fella Chase decided he could fly from the backyard cubbyhouse to the edge of our patio and swing around and drop to his feet 'Ta Daaaa', but unfortunately for the little bloke gravity pervaled ha,ha and he came down quicker then a Mars bar at a weightwatchers convention! In the process he broke really badly his Radius and Ulna bones in his arm, a really bad brake but you wouldn't of noticed as he was as happy as ever.... now he had a weapon to take on his bigger brothers, fairdinkum when ever he had a chance he was wracking them over the head... Little bugger.

As you might of noticed after a couple of weeks they had to replace the cast as the bones were not healing straight enough, so back into Perth and have another new and improved cast as Chase says 'It must be better it's a red one dad' ha,ha.
And while we were in Perth having a wonder-about we bumped into the big fella himself Santa, and with Chase always loving a chance to pop his head into a photo he got the perfect chance.
Little bugger.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Harrison's Graduation day
Well they all have to grow up sooner or latter and it was Harrison's turn to leave Caversham Primary school, and start his highschool years at Ellenbrook secondary college which is a fair bit closer to home then were Jacko and Sarah go to school.
The Graduation was held at the Kiara College were the school did a beaut job staging the event, but now my little mate has a big step infrount of himself as he has left primary school with 16 kids in his year, to a high-school with probably around 90 kids his age! So i'm sure it's going to be a huge eye opener for the little fella.
After the main part of the Graduation harrison and his mates had a after party at the Mallard Duck which is a beaut little restaurant in the Swan Valley... just down the road from our new home.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Christmas Works party

Well it's Christmas time again so it's time to let the little nevilles have a ripper day out at the Santas Christmas Carnival, and seeing it's a works christmas party it's all being payed for by Midland Brick.... You beauty!
Oscar on a Triceratops ... o'h not a real one but with my kids it's just as dangers ha,ha.

Chase also going for a ride he's on Kiddyontopofusaures!
Best of mates about to take on the Wall.E bouncy castle.
The two ratbags going for a drive.
Santa time and what does the little cheeky bugger want..... Well not much just an X-Box1, new bike, lollies, laptop, lollies, hoverboard, lollies, Tablet!!! Crikey atleast I can aford the last one... I'll just give him a Panadol Tablet, Well it's what he wants!
Oscar's turn and he wants.... surprise X-Box1, lollies, tablet (bloody druggies), lollies, and garden plants for his ..... o'h yeah he want's a Farm too (crikey) for his christmas plants and o'h yeah some lollies.
And we got Sarah to say G'day to Santa as the other two boys were ... 'Like... You know much too old for that stuff Dad'. So I said 'So it's okay for the fat bloke in the red suit to pay for the day out but you can't even pop over and say G'day', and with that Harrison say's 'What you paying for this Dad' .... Cheeky bugger.

Tania taking Chase to the Haunted House.... funny that I took Chase to the in-laws the other night as well! ha,ha.

Jacko driving a lot like his mother! ha,ha, between the dodge cars and the rides we didn't see much of him all day.... You little beauty ha,ha.
Tania n' Oscar after the young fella having his very first Rollercoaster ride, which he loved and can't wait till next year.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Moving house to Ellenbrook
Well after a long ten years living in Middle swan in our little 3 bedroom house, we decided to pack the mob into the old van and move up the road to a place called Ellenbrook. We thought as the kiddies are getting older it might give them and ourselves a bit more space, as we brought a 4 bedroom home on Snow wood Avenue.
So for the first time in my life I now have a on-suite.... well the misses has one anyway, and I get to have a garage... hoo-ray ha,ha. Now instead of having four boys in one small room ha,ha how they didn't kill themselves I don't know, but at-least now the two little blokes get one room and the other two nevilles get one to share there x-box in... and as for yours truly.... well I get a bloody ripper shed down the back, which I can't wait to get my hands on and turning it into my very own Corporate box!

'Corporate box' mark II
And as you can see the little nevilles got a ripper Christmas present with a beaut backyard pool, all I have to do now is teach them to clean the bastard!
p.s If your wondering... when my computer shit it-self we lost all the photos that was on the bloody thing, but we'll live and sooner or latter we will be up-dating the photos.
Monday, September 7, 2015
The Sandgropers Trophy 2015
Well it was a close shave in this years championship as with 1 week to go Harry had a massive lead of 5 wins, and with only a week to go he thought it was a shoe in. But he didn't even think that the 'little Freo Assassin Sarah' would give him a run for his money, and not only did she give it too him she almost pulled off a once in a life time weekend!
Knowing she had to pull off a ripper weekend of footy tips she did something she had never done in her tipping career, she backed against her beloved Freo in an attempt to pick up an extra win against her little bro! in the process stopping the young fella from winning his record breaking Third Trophy win! She backed most off the teams expected to lose.... she picked The Tigers to beat Finals bound Norths, then the Cats to beat also finals bound Crows. Also as I said she picked Port to beat her loved Freo and Melbourne to beat the giants. So with 4 wins over Harrison the pressure started to show on the young fella as Sarah was only one win away from drawing the trophy! Which hasn't happen in it's mighty six years all she needed was for the Mighty Magpies to beat the hopeless Boomers who hadn't won since round 15, and with only 3 minutes left in the last quarter a Boomers goal sent the almighty Trophy towards the happy little fella Harrison with the Boomers winning 92 to 95! So close but so far away and with the siren going in the background Harrison started the WINNING WAR DANCE with a heart beaten Sarah yelling 'I've been robbed' ha,ha
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