Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Harrison's Graduation day
Well they all have to grow up sooner or latter and it was Harrison's turn to leave Caversham Primary school, and start his highschool years at Ellenbrook secondary college which is a fair bit closer to home then were Jacko and Sarah go to school.
The Graduation was held at the Kiara College were the school did a beaut job staging the event, but now my little mate has a big step infrount of himself as he has left primary school with 16 kids in his year, to a high-school with probably around 90 kids his age! So i'm sure it's going to be a huge eye opener for the little fella.
After the main part of the Graduation harrison and his mates had a after party at the Mallard Duck which is a beaut little restaurant in the Swan Valley... just down the road from our new home.