Well after a long ten years living in Middle swan in our little 3 bedroom house, we decided to pack the mob into the old van and move up the road to a place called Ellenbrook. We thought as the kiddies are getting older it might give them and ourselves a bit more space, as we brought a 4 bedroom home on Snow wood Avenue.
So for the first time in my life I now have a on-suite.... well the misses has one anyway, and I get to have a garage... hoo-ray ha,ha. Now instead of having four boys in one small room ha,ha how they didn't kill themselves I don't know, but at-least now the two little blokes get one room and the other two nevilles get one to share there x-box in... and as for yours truly.... well I get a bloody ripper shed down the back, which I can't wait to get my hands on and turning it into my very own Corporate box!

'Corporate box' mark II
And as you can see the little nevilles got a ripper Christmas present with a beaut backyard pool, all I have to do now is teach them to clean the bastard!
p.s If your wondering... when my computer shit it-self we lost all the photos that was on the bloody thing, but we'll live and sooner or latter we will be up-dating the photos.